This was an epic trip of a lifetime, fishing the Amazon for this group of 15 anglers.
If you’re looking for a big fish river this is it, if you’re looking for numbers of small fish find another outfitter.
Total was 854 Peacock Bass with the Biggest being 25LB. caught on the 1st Day.
10 over 20 Lb.
79 over 10 LB. – 39 over 15 Lb.
This is a River that I have exclusive right to for the next 4 years. no other outfitter is allowed and is protected by the Indian Village, end results less pressure more and bigger fish. They are predicting the next record come out of this river. Client Mike Losinno from Boston was only one cm off the world length record with 89 cm (36”).

25 Lb. 89 cm caught on top water
Here just some of the other Monsters Peacock bass and other species.
We also visited an Indian village
After a hard core fishing trip the anglers treated themselves to the best Brazilian steakhouse in Manaus before the flight back home.
Already 1/2 of next season is book up. So if you serious book your week now. Capt Frank 954-325-1115